Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So the worlds cup is done and its back to the grindstone for all of us. what a successful, world cup we hosted. I'm so extremely proud of South Africa, we didn't have any serious 'mishaps' and the crime wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.

Yes, there were a couple of hiccups along the way, but then again what event doesn't have hiccups. We proved all the critics wrong and most importantly we proved to ourselves that we are a nation to be reckoned with.

The only disappointment that i had was Bafana Bafana not going to the second round,we did however beat France, the second highest ranked team at the time. Then again who cares, we may not have won the Cup, but South Africa defiantly won the respect of the rest of the world.

TIA (This Is Africa)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Female Species

Women are very complicated, and i sometimes wonder if we do it on purpose or if we just cant help it.

We are completely different from men. We cant except compliments the way they do.E.g “Rob you look great.” Rob: “Thanks.” On the other side: “Cindy, you look great.” Cindy: “I do? Must be the lighting”

Men are self confident because they grow up identifying with superheroes. Women have bad self-images because they grow up identifying with Barbie

When a woman tries on clothing from her closet that feels tight, she will assume she has gained weight. When man tries something from his closet that feels tight, he will assume the clothing has shrunk.

Women take clothing much more seriously than men. I've never seen a man walk into a party and say "Oh, my God, I'm so embarrassed; get me out of here. There's another man wearing a black tuxedo"

Men forget everything; women remember everything.

It seems as if we are from completely different worlds, we are completely opposite, but then again opposites attract...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Delivering a powerful speech is difficult enough, but then you have to deal with the nerves, the critics and self doubt.

I have to deliver a speech tomorrow and I'm more nervous than I've ever been. People try and give you advice and tips, but its not working for me. They say that i should only do things that are going to positively influence my speech and being nervous is not one of those things.

I'm second tomorrow, which is sort of a advantage because after that i can sit back and relax, its also a disadvantage because i can only measure myself against one person before its my turn.

I have to say to all those people; Barack Obama, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela who stand up and deliver a powerful speech thousands of people, good job. You really have to believe in what you are saying to deliver a speech as powerful as these individuals.

As D.L Lawrence once said; "The mind is a wonderful thing. It starts working the minute you're born and never stops working until you get up to speak in public."

Monday, October 5, 2009

Mother City Voted Best Holiday Destination

Cape town was voted the best Holiday destination in the world for wealthy businessmen looking for a break.

Last year Cape Town and the Western Cape was the winner of the 2008 Travel Awards for Africa's leading destination. This year we have done it again.

Cape Town has so much to offer; sunny beaches, fantastic mountain ranges and great people, there is so much to choose from, no wonder the accolades just keep pouring in.

Here is a list of just some of the awards our fantastic city has won:

-World’s number two city - July 2009
-3rd Best City In The World - July 2008
-Best City In Africa & Middle East - July 2008
-4Th Top City In The World - October 2008
-Best City In Africa & Middle East - October 2008
-3rd Best City In The Top 10 World Food Cities - 2008
-Best Destination, Africa - May 2008
-Best City To Live In, Africa & Middle East - 2008
-One Of The “Places Of A Lifetime” – , July 2008
-One Of The World’s Most Sustainable Cities - , Sept 2008
-Boulder’s Beach: World’s Best Family Beach - March 2007
-Cleanest City In SA - March 2007
-#1 UK Long Haul Destination - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007
-One Of The World’s 5 Bluest Sky Destinations - July 2006
-Favourite Foreign City - 2004, 2005
-Ideal Travel Destination - 2005
-Africa’s Leading Destination - 2008
-Best Tourism Investor City of the Year - 2009
-27Th best city formen to live in - 2009

Well Done Cape Town!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

School Yard Violence

The latest stabbings brings the total number of stabbings in Cape Town to 60 in this year alone. 14 year old grade 8 pupils at Arcadia High in Bonteheuwel were accused of stabbing each other.

One boy had been stabbed in the head with a pen and the other was stabbed in the back with a knife.
Government is doing everything in its power to prevent such incidents. They have even issued "problem" schools with 2 hand held metal detectors each.

The first school to receive detectors from the Western Cape Education Department was St Andrew's Secondary in Elsies River.

Education MEC Donald Grant said the stabbings were "deeply regrettable".

If the government is doing everything they can to prevent such problems then why is it that parents are not disciplining their children. It is not the responsibility of teachers to discipline learners, it is the responsibility of their parents. If parents teach their children respect and responsibility then we wont have this serious social problem.

Teachers are over worked and under paid, they don't have the time or energy to deal with delinquents.

To all teachers who do go the extra mile and who do try and make a difference, thank you, you are appreciated.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Farwell To the King of Pop

Micheal Jackson was finally laid to rest on Thursday at Forest Lawn Memorial Park's Great Mausoleum.

Michael’s three children Prince Michael, Paris Michael and Prince Michael II placed a crown on top of Jackson’s casket to signify his status as the King of Pop.

Although it was a tearful ceremony, some might think that the family was over reacting or looking for media attention.

Michael's Father, Joe Jackson, seemed untouched, even uninvolved in the ceremony, whereas his mother, was so overcome with grief that she had to be helped to the car. Michaels' brother complained that the media helicopter that hovered over them, disturbed the burial.

Lets not for get that it is the media who helped Michaels' career, it is the media who helped get his records sold and it is the media who helped get him out of debt after his death.

Michael's death has earned him so much money that he is now officially out of debt, and still there is still so many of his possessions up for sale. Michael's famous white glove is currently selling for a whopping $49000.00.

All, I'm trying to say is that the Jackson family used Michael's death to their advantage, they milked it for everything that it was worth, they did this his whole life and now they did it again in his death.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Is South Africa going to be ready for the 2010 soccer world cup? This is what everybody wants to know. I think that we will be ready, ours will be just as good, if not better than any other country that has hosted it before. All that those countries had that we don't is the support of the whole nation. There is so much negativity surrounding 2010 that it is affecting the progress of everything.

We all know that S.A. is a third world country, but lets have faith and see what happens.

There is a billboard on Cape Town station that says " My heart wont believe what my eyes will see." I read that every morning and a know that S.A. ,especially Cape Town, is going to be ready for the 2010 Soccer World Cup