Wednesday, September 16, 2009

School Yard Violence

The latest stabbings brings the total number of stabbings in Cape Town to 60 in this year alone. 14 year old grade 8 pupils at Arcadia High in Bonteheuwel were accused of stabbing each other.

One boy had been stabbed in the head with a pen and the other was stabbed in the back with a knife.
Government is doing everything in its power to prevent such incidents. They have even issued "problem" schools with 2 hand held metal detectors each.

The first school to receive detectors from the Western Cape Education Department was St Andrew's Secondary in Elsies River.

Education MEC Donald Grant said the stabbings were "deeply regrettable".

If the government is doing everything they can to prevent such problems then why is it that parents are not disciplining their children. It is not the responsibility of teachers to discipline learners, it is the responsibility of their parents. If parents teach their children respect and responsibility then we wont have this serious social problem.

Teachers are over worked and under paid, they don't have the time or energy to deal with delinquents.

To all teachers who do go the extra mile and who do try and make a difference, thank you, you are appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. School violence is really getting outof hand and their will be a stage where parents wont send their kids to school in fear that they might be the next victim.
