Monday, September 7, 2009

Farwell To the King of Pop

Micheal Jackson was finally laid to rest on Thursday at Forest Lawn Memorial Park's Great Mausoleum.

Michael’s three children Prince Michael, Paris Michael and Prince Michael II placed a crown on top of Jackson’s casket to signify his status as the King of Pop.

Although it was a tearful ceremony, some might think that the family was over reacting or looking for media attention.

Michael's Father, Joe Jackson, seemed untouched, even uninvolved in the ceremony, whereas his mother, was so overcome with grief that she had to be helped to the car. Michaels' brother complained that the media helicopter that hovered over them, disturbed the burial.

Lets not for get that it is the media who helped Michaels' career, it is the media who helped get his records sold and it is the media who helped get him out of debt after his death.

Michael's death has earned him so much money that he is now officially out of debt, and still there is still so many of his possessions up for sale. Michael's famous white glove is currently selling for a whopping $49000.00.

All, I'm trying to say is that the Jackson family used Michael's death to their advantage, they milked it for everything that it was worth, they did this his whole life and now they did it again in his death.

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