Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Not Another One

Yip, you guessed it, another strike, and this time its none other than Metro rail. This is the first time that a strike has really affected me. I wasnt able to attend varsity for 2 days. dont they think before they strike. To top it all off, you can only use Golden Arrow after 8:00h! How usefull!

Well we are in a recession, and they do say that multiple strikes is a sign that a country is in a recession. A friend of mine had a very interesting view on how to strengthen the economy, she said if we spend more money it will somehow strengthen the economy. I don't know about that, because most people don't have the money to spend, so they are going to get into debt just to help the economy, i don't know how many people are willing to do that!!

Anyway,hope there are o more strikes, because i don't think the economy or I could survive another one.

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