Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Not Another One

Yip, you guessed it, another strike, and this time its none other than Metro rail. This is the first time that a strike has really affected me. I wasnt able to attend varsity for 2 days. dont they think before they strike. To top it all off, you can only use Golden Arrow after 8:00h! How usefull!

Well we are in a recession, and they do say that multiple strikes is a sign that a country is in a recession. A friend of mine had a very interesting view on how to strengthen the economy, she said if we spend more money it will somehow strengthen the economy. I don't know about that, because most people don't have the money to spend, so they are going to get into debt just to help the economy, i don't know how many people are willing to do that!!

Anyway,hope there are o more strikes, because i don't think the economy or I could survive another one.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Who would have thought that pressing a button could be so difficult! i just completed a photography assignment and boy was it a mission. Taking a good photo is not as easy as it seems! First you have to find a willing 'model' and if that's not difficult enough, you have to get the lighting and angle right. Capturing a moment is not as simple as clicking a button, so too all photographers out their hats off to you!
"Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything." Aaron Siskind.
I agree with Aaron completley, I just dont think that everybody can do it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Everyboby has decided to take to the streets and strike, first the municipal workers, then the students at Cput, Eskom and then Telkom, now factory workers want to strike!! Who next?? Come on guys, i understand why you striking ,but is it really nessecary to destroy.... Like the municipal workers striked and reeked havoc, but when the strike was over they had to pick up the papers that they through around, they had to replace the bins that they destroyed and they had to repair street lights that they destroyed. Is the destruction really nessecery?
Oh i heard a rumor that the pensioners are going to strike and if they dont get an increase they will refuse to die!